Allergies Linked to Increased Risk of Psychiatric Disorders (Psychiatric News)

CAROL SORGEN, Published Online:31 Jul 2018

Allergic diseases can lead to a higher risk of psychiatric disorders such as hyperactivity and depression.

Individuals with allergic diseases such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis are at higher risk for developing psychiatric disorders, according to a study published last spring in Frontiers in Psychiatry. The study was led by Nian-Sheng Tzeng, M.D., an assistant professor of psychiatry at Tri-Service General Hospital in Taipei, Taiwan.

Click HERE for the full article on Psychiatric News.

Is It the Blues or Is It Clinical Depression? (ThirdAge)

by ALEX DIMITRIU, MD, July 26, 2018

We all feel down, or blue, or sad, at times. Sadness is a natural human emotion, usually triggered by a loss, disappointment, or major life change. This sadness is generally short-lived and dissipates over time as we adjust to a new situation. We often casually refer to this situational sadness as depression, but it is important to distinguish it from clinical depression, a much more severe and long-lasting condition that has serious implications for long-term mental and physical health and must be diagnosed and treated by a medical professional.

Click HERE for the full article on ThirdAge.

Am I Sleep-Deprived and Tired – or Depressed? (Health News Digest)

( – Menlo Park, CA, July 26, 2018 – Sleep-deprived? It’s common sense that being fatigued generally leaves us in a foul mood. But how can we tell when we’re sleep-deprived and merely tired – or if we’re actually depressed? Psychiatrist and sleep specialist Alex Dimitriu, MD, founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine, frequently speaks to curious patients about this issue. Since exhaustion, irritability, lack of motivation, anxiety and tearfulness are all symptoms of sleep deprivation – and also symptoms of depression – there’s a great deal of confusion on the matter, he says.

Click HERE for the full article on HealthNewsDigest.

The Best Anxiety-Relief Products, According To Mental Health Experts (Today)

Feel more calm, happy and energized with these expert recommendations.

by Jessica Migala / Jul.24.2018 / 6:01 PM ET / Updated Jul.25.2018

Everyone feels anxious from time to time. But when anxiety feels out of control or fills you up with persistent dread and worry — often for no discernible reason — it might be time to seek help.

For that reason, it can be important to share these feelings with loved ones or a professional. The latter can help you flip the script and rewrite the messages your own anxiety is telling you. Also, there are soothing, calming tools you can use at home to help quiet an anxious mind. While they’re not a cure, and you should always consult a doctor when dealing with anxiety, these are things mental health professionals recommend for their patients.

Click HERE for the full story on

How To Respond To The “When Are You Having Kids” Question (HealthWay)

If you find yourself on the receiving end of the “So…when are you having kids?” question—or you’re guilty of asking—read this immediately.


You’re sitting at dinner, just about to bite into that delicious macaroni salad, when your in-law casually throws out the old, “So…when are you two going to have kids?” It’s a question that’s been asked what seems like a million different times by pretty much everyone you know and in a multitude of very creative ways.

Maybe it’s something like, “It sure would be nice to have a grandchild…,” paired with a longing glance at a cute pair of baby-sized shoes. Or perhaps it’s a, “Wasn’t he cute as a baby?” wink-wink-nudge-nudge while flipping through old pictures in what you thought was an innocent and hilarious journey down memory lane. It could even be from an acquaintance you hardly know who cavalierly asks, “When do you think you’ll start popping ‘em out?”

Click HERE for the full article on HealthWay.

Recognizing 4 Common Signs of Borderline Personality Disorder, And What To Do Next (HealthyWay)

When you’re unable to regulate your emotions, every relationship eventually explodes. Here’s how to recognize the signs of BPD.


“I felt like he was going to leave me. I felt like everyone was going to leave me.”

Ashley, 32, was in a new relationship with a man she really liked. She had no reason to believe anything was wrong—and no reason to do what she did.

“For days, I tried not to let him out of my sight,” she says. “I tried to hold on, but I kept feeling more desperate. It didn’t matter. I was sure that he was going to leave, so I told him I was going to [hurt myself]. He told me to get help, and for once, I listened. I don’t know why. Maybe I thought that was the only way to make him stay.”

Click HERE for the full article on HealthyWay.

How To Adjust Your Sleep Routine During The Summer Months (NBC Better)

Your diet, the temperature and a busy social calendar may be to blame for that afternoon slump.

by Kelsey Butler / Jul.18.2018

Sleep is pretty much my favorite pastime. Over the years, even as other hobbies have come and gone — crocheting, piano playing and terrarium-making among them — snoozing has always been my preferred way to spend downtime.

And despite insomnia running in my family, I’ve always been blessed enough to be able to sleep when I want to, including during bad movies (sorry “Batman v Superman”), airport layovers and morning train rides to work. I’ve always been lucky when it comes to sleep … until recently. As I’ve gotten older, and particularly during the warmer months of the year, I find it harder and harder to get to sleep and get the rest I need. What gives?

“Longer days certainly make it hard to get to bed on time,” says psychiatrist and sleep medicine specialist Dr. Alex Dimitriu. “With a sunset time of 8 [p.m.], it’s easy to be outside later (enjoying the cooler evening), then come home and start the ‘regular’ evening routine. But now everything may be happening two to three hours later than in the winter months, so it’s easy to get to bed too late.”

Click HERE for the full article on NBC Better.

7 Myths About Bipolar Disorder To Stop Believing (Bustle)

By CARINA WOLFF, 7/17/18

When people hear “bipolar disorder,” they might picture someone ecstatic one moment, and depressed another. Because mental health is so stigmatized and often poorly misunderstood, people tend to believe plenty of misconceptions, and there a number of myths about bipolar disorder floating around that just continue to get perpetuated. Because many people don’t take the time to actually talk to someone with bipolar disorder or get clarifications from a mental health professional, we continue to get our information from pop culture or the internet, which doesn’t always tend to be so accurate.

Click HERE for the full article on Bustle.

Are You Having a Panic Attack? (RadioMD)

Difficulty breathing, sweating, trembling, heart pounding, fear… sounds like you might be having a panic attack.

Panic disorder has a genetic component, but panic attacks can occur for anyone. Stress precipitates panic attacks. Someone who is already stressed is prone to panic attacks. Many people suffer quietly.

Panic attacks are short-lived and intense, lasting no more than a couple of hours. Rule out any medical causes right away. Blood work and heart observations will help rule out medical conditions that could be disguised by a panic attack.

You will not die from a panic attack. Behavioral and pharmacological treatments are available for those who experience frequent panic attacks.

Listen HERE as Dr. Alex Dimitriu joins Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss how to handle panic attacks.

We Sleep-Train Babies — Why Not Sleep-Coach Adults? (SheKnows)

by Caitlin Flynn, Jul 15, 2018

It’s a sequence of events that’s all-too-familiar to so many: a night of tossing and turning followed by a day of throwing back coffee in a desperate effort to stay awake and alert. Cue the vicious cycle.

One in 4 Americans develops acute insomnia each year according to a study conducted by researchers at University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine. It’s no wonder some of these exhausted adults are turning to sleep coaches in search of solutions that don’t involve prescription sleep aids.
What is sleep coaching?

So, what exactly does sleep coaching entail? Dr. Alex Dimitriu, double board-certified in psychiatry and sleep medicine, tells SheKnows that sleep coaching “is, in effect, cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia — also known as CBTI.” Cognitive behavioral therapy, which is used to treat a wide number of mental health conditions, is a solution-focused method of treatment that aims to help patients develop healthier patterns of behavior and reframe damaging thought patterns.

Click HERE for the full article on SheKnows.

7 Insomnia Cures That Sleep Experts Swear By (Bustle)

By CARINA WOLFF, 7/16/18

If you’re someone who has suffered from insomnia, you’ve likely tried everything under the sun to help yourself fall asleep at night. Counting sheep may not help, but there are a number of other different cures for insomnia that sleep specialists swear by that might be worth a shot. Sometimes, the answers to your sleep problems just involve some out-of-the-box solutions, and who better to advise you on these odd habits then the sleep experts themselves?

Click HERE for the full article on Bustle.

Common Mood Stabilizing Drug Can Increase Risk of Birth Defects (HealthLine)

Written by Ann Pietrangelo on July 2, 2018

Lithium in the first trimester of pregnancy can affect the health of an unborn child, but doctors say stopping this medication can also be risky.

Babies of mothers who take lithium in the first trimester of pregnancy are at higher risk of major congenital malformations.

But not as high as researchers expected.

Click HERE for the full article on HealthLine.

Is It the Blues or Is It Clinical Depression? (Health News Digest)

Menlo Park, CA, July 12, 2018 – We all feel down, or blue, or sad, at times. Sadness is a natural human emotion, usually triggered by a loss, disappointment, or major life change. According to psychiatrist Dr. Alex Dimitriu, this sadness is generally short-lived and dissipates over time as we adjust to a new situation. “We often casually refer to this situational sadness as depression,” he says, “but it is important to distinguish it from clinical depression, a much more severe and long-lasting condition that has serious implications for long-term mental and physical health and must be diagnosed and treated by a medical professional.”

Click HERE for the full article on HealthNewsDigest.

10 Phrases You Should Never Say to Kids During a Divorce (Fatherly)

Divorce is a sad, difficult process for all involved — especially kids. It becomes even harder — and more damaging — when you say the wrong things.

By Jeremy Brown, Jul 11 2018

We all say things we regret from time to time, but there is no more crucial time for parents to mind their words than during a divorce. Not only can the things they say come back to haunt them in divorce court, but, more importantly, they can harm children and the people around you. So if you’re feeling frustrated, fed up or ready to explode, take a deep breath, count to ten and, above all, bite your tongue because there are things you should never, ever say. Here, a few experts offer some specific examples of statements to never say to kids during a divorce.

Click HERE for the full article on Fatherly.

Is ‘Sleep Water’ the Trick to Getting Some Shut-Eye? (HealthLine)

Written by Jessica Peralta on July 10, 2018

Here’s what you need to know about this popular new sleep aid.

Many of us have had at least one incident of lying in bed staring at the ceiling during the early morning hours, unable to fall asleep.

In fact, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 30 to 35 percent of adults complain of insomnia.

It’s an issue that has sparked a robust market of sleep supplements, aids, and online tips promising a better night’s rest. One of the latest is a drinkable “sleep aid” product in a can called Som Sleep. The drink contains L-theanineGABA, and melatonin — ingredients often linked to relaxation and sleep.

Click HERE for the full article on HealthLine.

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