8 Sneaky Signs Your Stress Could Be Making You Sick (HealthiNation)

Sky-high stress levels can tax your body in a number of subtle ways. 


You might treat stress as something you can just “muscle through” with a little grit and determination. When life feels overwhelming, you can’t say no, so you attempt to squeeze in your favorite gym class, volunteer to organize that community event, and offer to babysit your nieces—all while allowing your stress levels to sneakily creep up.  When work piles on, maybe you clench your teeth, mentally curse your manager, and work an extra few hours on the weekend to stay on top of things.

Click HERE for the full article on HealthiNation.

Better Sleep Can Prevent Cognitive Decline (ThirdAge)

by ALEX DIMITRIU, MD, July 2019

Sleep is as important to our health as good nutrition and regular exercise. Not getting enough sleep is detrimental to daytime functioning – to our mood, energy, concentration and reaction time – and over the long term, it contributes to obesity and the risk of serious illness. But sleepless nights have implications well beyond making you sleepy the next day. Some of the most exciting research in sleep science is studying the effects of sleep on the brain and what happens when you deprive your brain of restorative sleep. New research suggests that sleeping less than seven to eight hours a night can be linked to memory loss, cognitive decline, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Click HERE for the full article on ThirdAge.

Suddenly Fearful and Don’t Know Why? Relax and Breathe (Health News Digest)

Menlo Park, CA, June 26, 2018 – Suddenly overcome by fear, trembling, sweating, head pounding; heart racing? Don’t panic!  Relax – and breathe. That’s the advice from psychiatrist Alex Dimitriu, MD, who says a focus on slow, deep breathing can help patients get through a panic attack.

His comments follow research reported in the April 2018 edition of Psychophysiology by Trinity College Dublin, demonstrating a direct, neurophysiological link between respiration and the brain. “The study indicates respiration can prompt release of a chemical messenger, noadrenaline, in the brain, and this chemical apparently plays an important role in enhancing the brain’s overall health,” says Dr. Dimitriu, found of California-based Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine.

Click HERE for the full article on HealthNewsDigest.

Tips for Handling the Most Toxic People in Your Life (SheKnows)

by Elizabeth Yuko, Jun 25, 2018

When it comes to dealing with toxic relationships, the most obvious solution is to cut ties with the person. This is certainly easier said than done when it comes to friends, people you’ve dated or acquaintances, but what if cutting someone out completely is impossible? These are situations involving close family members who you have no choice but to interact with or potentially a boss or coworker.

So, what can we do when we have to continue to have someone in our life even though we know they’re detrimental to our own mental health and well-being? While there’s no easy solution, we spoke to a few mental health professionals who were able to provide us with some tips for coping with toxic people we can’t just cut out of our lives.

Click HERE for the full article on SheKnows.

Sleeping in on the Weekends Could Be Good for Your Life Expectancy (Brit + Co)

Natasha Lavender · Jun 23, 2018

If your weekday routine consists of dragging yourself out of bed after less than five hours of sleep, a recent study is giving you the go-ahead to turn off your alarm this weekend and sleep in. Conducted in Sweden with over 43,000 participants over 13 years, the study from the Journal of Sleep Research found that people under 65 who had five hours of sleep or less on weeknights but made up for it by sleeping for nine hours or longer on weekends had no increased risk of mortality compared to people in the same age group who slept for six to seven hours every night.

Click HERE for the full article on Brit + Co.

7 Surprising Effects Sleeping During The Day Has On Your Health Long-Term (Romper)

By Lauren Schumacker, June 18, 2018

You likely already know that getting plenty of sleep at night is in your best interest, but you might not have ever given much thought to the effects that sleeping during the day can have on you, particularly if you don’t typically need to spend much time sleeping during the day. Sleep is exceedingly important for your short and long-term physical and mental health and wellbeing, so if you do sleep during the day (either to nap or because you’re up at night), you need to know about the surprising effects sleeping during the day has on your health long-term.

Click HERE for the full article on Romper.

Why We Need to Stop Demonizing Antidepressants (Psychology Today)

Suicide is a leading cause of death in U.S. One risk factor is stigma.

By Allison Abrams, LCSW-R , Jun 08, 2018

A  leading cause of death in the United States, suicide has become a significant public health issue both here and worldwide. Mental illness is one of many risk factors in cases of suicide, the most common being depression. Unfortunately, only half of those living with depression and other mental illnesses actually receive treatment. The culprit most often is stigma. Whether individually, as in cases of internalized stigma, or on a societal level, evidenced by a health care policy that treats mental illness as inferior, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) lists stigma associated with mental illness and help-seeking as one of the primary risk factors for suicide.

Click HERE for the full article on Psychology Today.

Better Sleep Can Prevent Cognitive Decline (Health News Digest)

By Staff Editor, Jun 8, 2018

Sleep is as important to our health as good nutrition and regular exercise. Not getting enough sleep is detrimental to daytime functioning – to our mood, energy, concentration and reaction time – and over the long term, it contributes to obesity and the risk of serious illness. But according to psychiatrist and sleep specialist Dr. Alex Dimitriu, sleepless nights have implications well beyond making you sleepy the next day. “Some of the most exciting research in sleep science is studying the effects of sleep on the brain and what happens when you deprive your brain of restorative sleep,” he says. “New research suggests that sleeping less than seven to eight hours a night can be linked to memory loss, cognitive decline, and even Alzheimer’s disease.”

Click HERE for the full article on HealthNewsDigest.

Lack of Sleep Impairs Brain, Promotes Disease (Westchester Wellness Magazine)

Psychiatrist and Sleep Expert Dr. Alex Dimitriu Offers Tips for Healthier ZZZZ’s

June 2018

“To sleep, perchance to dream, ay, there’s the rub.” Unfortunately, the lament of Shakespeare’s Hamlet remains all too true for as many as 70 million Americans who experience some type of sleeping disorder, says noted psychiatrist and sleep medicine specialist, Alex Dimitriu, MD.

“Getting a sufficient amount of sleep is closely associated with good physical and mental health and overall quality of life. Most adults require between seven hours and nine hours of sleep daily,” says Dr. Dimitriu, founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine center. Yet, the American Sleep Association (ASA) indicates that 35 percent of adults in the United States report achieving fewer than seven hours of sleep a night.

Click HERE for the full article on Westchester Wellness Magazine.

Are there antidepressants that don’t cause weight gain? (Metro US)

By Meagan Morris, May 31, 2018

New study links antidepressants and weight gain.

Antidepressants might work to help ease the symptoms of depression, but a new study published in The BMJ found that one not-so-wanted side effect of antidepressants is weight gain.

“Patients who were normal weight were more likely to transition to overweight, and overweight patients were more likely to transition to obesity if they were treated with antidepressants,” study co-author Rafael Gafoor, a primary care and public health researcher at King’s College London, told Time.

Click HERE for the full article on Metro US.

Does Ambien Have Some Intense Side Effects? (SheKnows)

Does Ambien Have Some Intense Side Effects?

by Elizabeth Yuko, May 30. 2018

Call it the Ambien alibi: After tweeting some extremely racist and offensive remarks about Valerie Jarrett, a former Obama White House aide, earlier this week, Roseanne Barr is now blaming her inexcusable comments on the common sleep aid Ambien.

The now-deleted tweet read: “guys I did something unforgiveable [sic] so do not defend me. It was 2 in the morning and I was ambien-tweeting-it was memorial day too-i went 2 far & do not want it defended-it was egregious Indefensible,” she wrote. “I made a mistake I wish I hadn’t but… don’t defend it please. ty,” People reported.

Click HERE for the full article on SheKnows.

7 Ways To Prevent Nightmares You May Not Know (Bustle)

By EVA TAYLOR GRANT, May 23/ 2018

You may say a movie will “give you nightmares,” and that’s fine. But until you’ve actually been woken up at night in a cold sweat more than a handful of times, you won’t know how stressful the threat of bad dreams actually is. Figuring out how to stop nightmares can seem pointless, but luckily there are a few tips and tricks you can use to keep them at bay.

Click HERE for the full article on Bustle.

Sleep Issues: Lack of Sleep Impairs Brain, Promotes Disease (Health News Digest)

By Staff Editor, May 22, 2018

“To sleep, perchance to dream, ay, there’s the rub.” Unfortunately, the lament of Shakespeare’s Hamlet remains all too true for as many as 70 million Americans who experience some type of sleeping disorder, says noted psychiatrist and sleep medicine specialist, Alex Dimitriu, MD.

“Getting a sufficient amount of sleep is closely associated with good physical and mental health and overall quality of life. Most adults require between seven hours and nine hours of sleep daily,” says Dr. Dimitriu, founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine center. Yet, the American Sleep Association (ASA) indicates that 35 percent of adults in the United States report achieving fewer than seven hours of sleep a night.

Click HERE for the full article on HealthNewsDigest.

A Good Night’s Sleep Could Ward Off Alzheimer’s

Fascinating recent study; points to a significant function of sleep – housekeeping – of sufficient intensity that it cannot be performed while we are awake. Apparently, the brain has it’s own lymph system – the glymphatic system, which is up to 10x more active during sleep, and readies things for the next day. Interesting to see which sleep stages this is linked to – slow wave (N3) is a likely candidate…

As we learn more about potential ways to ward off dementia and Alzheimer’s disease as we age, from exercise to diet to web surfing to marijuana use, a new study makes the case that getting a good night’s sleep just might be the most important thing we can do.

Our brain cells produce toxic waste products each day as they work. The new study, published this week in the journal Science, shows that while we sleep, the brain literally flushes out this gunk. The self-cleaning process, which scientists observed in resting mice, is a powerful illustration of the medical importance of sleep. Researchers had suspected that this self-cleaning went on in our heads each night, but the new study put the process, and its intensity, in far clearer focus. For example, the team witnessed that when the mice slept, brain cells actually shrunk in size, expanding the spaces in between them by as much as 60 percent and facilitating the flushing of waste.

“It’s like opening and closing a faucet,” said University of Rochester neurosurgeon Maiken Nedergaard, who directed the study.

At minimum, the research highlights the potential importance of regular sleep in slowing dementia, as well as the possible neurological risks of consistently getting too little sleep. When we stay up until late into the night, we may be preventing our brains from flushing toxins effectively. This may also explain why we can feel uncertain or cranky when we are sleep-deprived and perhaps why migraines and seizures appear to be exacerbated by poor rest.

A year ago, Nedergaard’s team identified the network for flushing waste from the brain and named it the glymphatic system. During this cleansing, cerebrospinal fluid circulates through brain tissue, carrying waste matter into the bloodstream toward the liver, where it is detoxified. Similar systems, she noted, have been detected in the brains of dogs and baboons. Neuroscientists now widely assume that this self-cleaning takes place in humans as well, but the next step will be to directly observe the process.

A New Window on Sleep
Scholars have long wondered about the biological purpose of sleep. The idea that we sleep to conserve energy has been somewhat debunked; studies have found that the brain uses almost as much energy at rest as it does when we’re awake. Another theory held that a full night’s sleep was necessary to lock in memories, but as Nedergaard and others have pointed out, seven or eight hours appears to be excessive for this purpose, given what we now know about the speed of human memory processing.

A body of research does connect consistent sleep to the maintenance of human metabolism, which is why experts typically recommend that people trying to lose weight always get a full night’s sleep. But the new study indicates that a primary reason for sleep, and the reason it feels so restorative, is that we awake with the remains of the previous day’s activity cleared from our heads.

A Step Toward an Alzheimer’s Treatment?
To observe the glymphatic system in mice, the research team injected rodents with beta-amyloid, a protein that builds up in clumps in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, forming plaques. By tracking the animals’ brains in real time using an imaging process known as two-photon microscopy, they were able to watch fluid move between cells. Researchers found that waste was flushed out of the brain cells of sleeping mice twice as fast as in those of conscious mice. “It was almost like you opened a faucet,” Nedergaard said.

Experts expressed hope that the new findings could lead to treatments for neurological ailments associated with cell waste in the brain, including Parkinson’s disease as well as Alzheimer’s and dementia. Scientists will be following up on the tantalizing possibility that Alzheimer’s is exacerbated not as much by the buildup of beta-amyloid plaque in the brain as by an impaired ability to flush it out. If that turns out to be true, then the development of a drug to facilitate or force the self-cleaning process could be a major breakthrough. Doctors may also achieve better results by coordinating dementia patients’ treatments with their sleep schedules.

“I’d be a fool not to pay attention to this,” Washington University neuroscientist Randall Bateman, an expert in amyloid-beta research, told the Science News blog.

– Gary Drevitch, Contributor

Sleepwalking Through Life

I have often joked with my wife, that I have to keep quiet about what I do for a living at any gathering. Sleep and psychiatry, it turns out, are two things people really have on their minds; and in today’s fast times, everyone seems to be stressed by working too much, and sleeping too little. On the other hand, I am equally amazed by people I meet who exercise regularly, eat healthy organic food, use meditation apps, only to tell you, on line at Starbucks, that they often only get 5 to 6 hours a night of sleep in their busy lives. I wonder about myself sometimes, as I savor a good cup of coffee in the morning, after staying up too late reading the night before. A lot of times, I couldn’t even tell you what I read, as boldly fought off sleep to the very last minute, with the power of my smartphone and the internet behind it.

The tremendous importance of sleep to our well being has been a lesson I have learned numerous times in my career as a psychiatrist. I continue to advocate that it should be a vital sign, along with blood pressure and pulse, of our general state of health. It affects everyone, young and old, and here’s some fascinating stories, that have changed my practice of medicine.

The youngest patients, I recall, were the 10 year old kids that came to Stanford, diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADHD), with minimal improvement on stimulants, like Ritalin or Adderall, still struggling at home and in school. These kids, it turned out, had stuffy noses, and slept on 3 pillows, fitfully through the night. Something else was going on, their tonsils were huge; and sleep tests confirmed sleep apnea (fragmented sleep because of poor breathing). The tonsils came out, and within several months, I remember to this day being hugged by moms who were so happy that their kids were off medication, sleeping soundly through the night, and not “hyperactive” anymore. Miraculous, I thought.

Then there are the middle aged patients who come worriedly to see me asking the question “Doc, I think I have Alzheimer’s, I forget movies, words, and walk into rooms and forget why!” Much to everyone’s relief, it often turns out to be a sleep problem. Our minds package up memories and practice for upcoming situations in sleep, and the value of sleep is both in quantity and quality. So many amazing studies have tested people, asked to memorize a list of words, then given a chance to sleep. More sleep, has always resulted in better recall, improved ability to learn everything from word lists, to emotional responses, to swinging a golf club. Emotions? Let’s not forget that sleep deprivation is a form of torture – and I’ve also seen so many people become emotionally “unstable” – tearful for no reason sometimes, overreactive, and irritable. One man knew he needed to catch up on his Zzz’s when after a few nights of poor sleep, he would cry over a dropped paper clip.

And the comes the energy or depression question, “Do you feel like doing things and lack the energy, or just don’t feel like doing things at all?” Fatigue can all too often look like depression, and in many instances, there is a very fine line between the two. The next time you’re on your drive home, spacing out at a stopped traffic light, thinking “woe is me, and what’s the point of all this anyway,” ask yourself if what you’re really missing is your bed, and some shut eye. Indeed a very large proportion of people I have worked with, diagnosed as attention deficit, bipolar, or treatment-resistant depression, benefit tremendously from the optimization of sleep.

I have often joked that everything you need to know about sleep, your grandmother taught you. Indeed, this is half true, in the sense that more sleep and more regular hours of sleep are a good thing. Sleep is affected most often by our habits; electronics, television, and late night web surfing to the edges of the internet. Yes we all lack some degree of discipline. But for many people, it is hard to fall asleep despite their best efforts. Anxiety is so often an overlooked factor – and we call this “battlefield sleep” or “thin sleep.” It’s the vigilant sleep one would get, sleeping in a dangerous situation, like a battlefield – with a lot of trouble falling asleep, waking up often and easily, and trouble sleeping in (no matter how late you went to sleep). Life is not a battlefield, but for anxious people, it often can be, and this becomes a nightly pattern, with fatigue and large amounts of caffeine, sometimes alcohol by the day’s end, to counter. And so the cycle repeats, sometimes for decades of people’s lives; and important experiences can often  become lost in a sleep deprived, caffeinated blur.

What to do? Sleep more and sleep better. Make sleep your health priority. Focus on habits and the use of electronics, and keep sleep on a regular schedule. Besides the quantity of sleep, look into the quality – does sleep feel light? How many times a night do you wake? Do you snore, or kick around a lot during the night? A great app to start this investigation is called SnoreLab (free on the iTunes store) – which basically records audio all night, and can show you just what happened before you woke at 4AM last night – I use this app myself, and recommend it to everyone. You spend one third of your life sleeping, and it affects every aspect of your waking life, promise. From memory to mood, to immunity, to weight loss and diabetes, and even risk of cancer, sleep has profound effects. Even more exciting, several recent studies have found that sleep can be used as part of a protocol to reverse mild dementia, and increase longevity.

Alex Dimitriu, MD

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