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CONDITIONS TREATED: Anxiety, Depression, Attention Deficit Disorder, Insomnia, Bipolar Disorder, and Treatment Resistant Depression
REGIONS COVERED: We serve clients of the Bay Area, including the communities of Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Los Altos, Mountain View, Portola Valley, Atherton, Sunnyvale, and San Jose
Phone 650-326-5888
Email info@siliconpsych.com
Does Ambien Have Some Intense Side Effects? (SheKnows)
Does Ambien Have Some Intense Side Effects? by Elizabeth Yuko, May 30. 2018 Call it the Ambien alibi: After tweeting some extremely racist and offensive remarks about Valerie Jarrett, a former Obama White House aide, earlier this week, Roseanne Barr is now blaming her inexcusable comments on the common sleep aid Ambien. The now-deleted tweet read: “guys […]
7 Ways To Prevent Nightmares You May Not Know (Bustle)
By EVA TAYLOR GRANT, May 23/ 2018 You may say a movie will “give you nightmares,” and that’s fine. But until you’ve actually been woken up at night in a cold sweat more than a handful of times, you won’t know how stressful the threat of bad dreams actually is. Figuring out how to stop nightmares can […]
Sleep Issues: Lack of Sleep Impairs Brain, Promotes Disease (Health News Digest)
By Staff Editor, May 22, 2018 “To sleep, perchance to dream, ay, there’s the rub.” Unfortunately, the lament of Shakespeare’s Hamlet remains all too true for as many as 70 million Americans who experience some type of sleeping disorder, says noted psychiatrist and sleep medicine specialist, Alex Dimitriu, MD. “Getting a sufficient amount of sleep […]
A Good Night’s Sleep Could Ward Off Alzheimer’s
Fascinating recent study; points to a significant function of sleep – housekeeping – of sufficient intensity that it cannot be performed while we are awake. Apparently, the brain has it’s own lymph system – the glymphatic system, which is up to 10x more active during sleep, and readies things for the next day. Interesting to see which […]
Sleepwalking Through Life
I have often joked with my wife, that I have to keep quiet about what I do for a living at any gathering. Sleep and psychiatry, it turns out, are two things people really have on their minds; and in today’s fast times, everyone seems to be stressed by working too much, and sleeping too […]
“Psychobiotics” To Naturally Improve Stress And Memory
Again more evidence supporting the tremendous role of the gut biome in maintaing physical as well as mental health. “The emerging concept of the gut microbiome as a key regulator of brain and behavior represents a paradigm shift in neuroscience. Precise targeting of the microbiome-gut-brain axis with psychobiotics — live microorganisms with a potential mental health […]