About Melissa Chefec

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Entries by Melissa Chefec

Home Office Syndrome

Apr 13, 2020. Dr. Dimitriu was published in Psychology Today about “Home Office Syndrome.” “There’s no place like home.” Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz certainly believed it, but many of the millions now required to work from home for seemingly endless weeks because of the COVID-19 pandemic might disagree.  In fact, those unable to cope with the […]

TMS may curb cognitive impairments in chronic schizophrenia

By Marilynn Larkin, APRIL 8, 2020 Dr. Alex Dimitriu, founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine in California, commented in an email to Reuters Health, “This study looks fairly solid and supports prior evidence that 10-20 hz stimulation can improve cognition in non-schizophrenic patients (https://bit.ly/2RlPa8S). “One major limitation for clinical practice may be that patients may […]

Sleeping in on the Weekends Could Be Good for Your Life Expectancy

Natasha Lavender, Apr 05, 2020 Before you let yourself off the hook for staying up for just one more episode of your favorite Netflix show every weeknight, hear out the experts. California-based psychiatrist and sleep specialist Dr. Alex Dimitriu says, “I worry about studies like this, because we’re already a sleep-deprived society. Just look at the lines in Starbucks! […]

Tips To Help Stop Touching Your Face

Apr 01, 2020 Hand hygiene is an important precaution, washing our hands often for at least 20 seconds with soap and water helps reduce the risk of passing on anything to our faces that we may have picked up on our hands. “A new ring, jewelry, or even a rubber band around the wrist can serve […]

8 Ways to Conquer Your Nightmares Once and For All, According to Sleep Experts

By Alyssa Jung, Mar 31, 2020 One common nightmare trigger is stress. “They sometimes result from us trying to solve problems in our sleep — this is the brain’s rehearsal system at work in the night, so too much daytime stress can lead to nightmares when you go to bed,” says Alex Dimitriu, M.D., founder of […]

Sleep ‘Sweeps’ Mind of ‘Monsters;’ Helps Fight Dementia

March 25, 2020. Dr. Dimitriu was published in Psychology Today about the connection between sleep and dementia “I’ve always envied people who sleep easily. Their brains must be cleaner, the floorboards of the skull well swept; All the little monsters closed up in a steamer trunk at the foot of the bed.” This simple quote from […]

7 Common Anxiety Dreams & What Experts Say They Mean

by Elizabeth Yuko, Mar 20, 2020 Our brains do some interesting things while we sleep, and we are designed to often forget the content of our dreams, Dr. Alex Dimitriu, who is double board-certified in psychiatry and sleep medicine and the founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine, tells SheKnows. So what actually happens in our […]

Adderall withdrawal can cause depressive symptoms

March 18, 2020 — Dr. Alex Dimitrui, Founder of the Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine clinic, was interviewed by Insider for the article, “Adderall withdrawal can cause depressive symptoms.”

Sleep Debt: How To Make Up For Lost Sleep & Why It Matters

By Sarah Ellis, March 14, 2020 Think of your body like a bank, and each night you’re depositing a set amount of money into it. If you miss your “payment” one night, you’ll owe more money the next night to make up for it. Sleep deprivation accumulates in this way. “Sleep is indeed like a […]

Why a Lack of Sleep Can Make You Angry

March 2020 “Lack of sleep can result in a wide variety of symptoms, which are fortunately reversible once sleep is restored,” said Dr. Alex Dimitriu, who is double-board-certified in psychiatry and sleep medicine and founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine. Dimitriu says sleep has a powerful role to play in our brain health.  Click HERE […]

Distraction Nation — Why Adults Are Getting Treated for Attention Disorders

March 2020 “There is no doubt that longer work hours, constant interruptions, and decreased sleep time are contributing to the rise of ADHD,” says Dr. Alex Dimitriu, double-board certified psychiatrist and sleep medicine specialist at Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine, located in the Silicon Valley area of northern California. These constant demands for attention, combined […]

You Probably Touch Your Face 16 Times an Hour: Here’s How to Stop

Written by George Citroner on March 9, 2020 “When actively working, people will often shake their foot, play with their hair, or in these instances, touch their faces. It certainly helps to know when you are most vulnerable to such activities and try to stay aware, during the meeting, or phone call, or while engrossed […]


By YouAreUNLTD, March 6, 2020 According to psychiatrist Dr. Alex Dimitriu, founder of the Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine Center in Menlo Park, CA, sadness is generally short-lived and dissipates over time as we adjust to a new situation. “We often casually refer to this situational sadness as depression,” he says, “but it is important to distinguish […]

How Daily Naps Can Boost Your Health

By Deanna deBara, March 6, 2020 “The ideal time for a power nap is around the siesta time in some countries, which is usually between 1-3 PM,” says Dimitriu. If you can’t get in a nap in before 3 PM, it’s best to push through until bedtime. “Try to avoid napping later, especially too close to […]

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