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CONDITIONS TREATED: Anxiety, Depression, Attention Deficit Disorder, Insomnia, Bipolar Disorder, and Treatment Resistant Depression
REGIONS COVERED: We serve clients of the Bay Area, including the communities of Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Los Altos, Mountain View, Portola Valley, Atherton, Sunnyvale, and San Jose
Phone 650-326-5888
Email info@siliconpsych.com
6 Mistakes You’re Making When Napping (Bustle)
By Carina Wolff, 8/29/18 Some people live for their daily naps. After all, they can be rejuvenating and the perfect break during an exhausting day. But if you’re just plopping on the couch and sleeping until you see fit, you may not be doing it right. There are a number of mistakes you can make […]
Sleep Issues: Restless Legs Syndrome and Your Sleep (Health News Digest)
Menlo Park, CA, August 23, 2018 – For millions of Americans, a good night’s sleep is an elusive goal. Insomniacs are plagued by a persistent combination of difficulty falling asleep, frequent waking and difficulty getting back to sleep, waking too early, and not feeling rested on waking. Chronic insomnia can have serious implications for quality […]
Am I Sleep-Deprived and Tired – or Depressed? (A List Nation Magazine)
August 2018 Click HERE for the full article on A List Nation Magazine.
Ways to Deal with Panic Attacks (Energy Times)
Fear, trembling, sweating, pounding head; racing heart: A panic attack may not kill you, but it certainly feels possible. Psychiatrist Alex Dimitriu, MD, has a simple recommendation: breathe. ““Physicians have long known that the relaxation, visualization—and breathing—techniques taught in yoga and used in meditation help many patients manage their anxiety, including panic disorder,” says Dimitriu, […]
This Is What It’s Like to Live With Agitated Depression (Vice)
Agitated depression—or “melancholia agitate”—has been described as a mixed state in which some symptoms of depression exist with those of other psychiatric ailments. By Nick Keppler, Aug 15 2018, 12:29pm For Steven, a “bender” began with a scenario like this: He would be watching a movie at his girlfriend’s apartment. Then the thought hit him: […]
11 Things You Should Know Before Going Off Anti-Anxiety Medication (Insider)
August 8, 2018 — Dr. Alex Dimitrui, Founder of the Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine clinic, was interviewed by Insider for the article, “11 Things You Should Know Before Going Off Anti-Anxiety Medication.”