About Melissa Chefec

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But we are proud to say that Melissa Chefec contributed 521 entries already.

Entries by Melissa Chefec

7 Tips for Living With Depression

By Ruben Castaneda, Staff Writer, June 1, 2020 Prozac, Zoloft and other antidepressants can help with mood symptoms, often within four to six weeks, says Dr. Alex Dimitriu, who’s double board-certified in psychiatry and sleep medicine. He’s the founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine in Menlo Park, California. “Side effects are not too common, […]

12 Ways to Wake Yourself Up Before You PTFO at Your Desk

by Kara Cuzzone, MAY 20, 2020 “On the days I feel tired, I often notice just as much of a boost in energy from two cups of water as I would from drinking one cup of coffee,” adds Alex Dimitriu, MD, double board-certified in psychiatry and sleep medicine and founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine. Keep […]

COVID-19: Tales of the “Good, the Bad and the Ugly”

May 14, 2020. Dr. Dimitriu was published in Psychology Today about COVID-19: Tales of the “Good, the Bad and the Ugly” Awaking without an alarm. Working from home — in pajamas, no less. Connecting with colleagues, friends and relatives — frequently and virtually — through an app and click of a mouse. Long commutes in rush-hour […]

Having Trouble Sleeping? Try These Expert-Backed Tips

By Deanna deBara, May 14, 2020 “Exercise can help reduce anxiety and improve sleep,” says Dr. Alex Dimitriu, double board-certified in Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine and founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine. “Exercise helps the body set its natural rhythm and tells the brain that this is a time to be awake. It [also] boosts […]

What’s Up With the Recurring Quarantine Nightmares?

Anna Gragert, May 11, 2020 Unpleasant and strange as these bad dreams might be for those of us having them, sleep experts aren’t surprised. “In a situation like the current one with Covid-19, with an increase in background stress, it makes sense that we might experience more disturbing dreams,” says Alex Dimitriu, MD, founder of Menlo […]

Screens, Sleep and Home Office Syndrome with Dr. Alex Dimitriu

Podcast host Malia Jacobson, May 7, 2020 Right now, screens connect us to our families, friends, teachers, workplaces, and the world. They also sabotage our sleep. On this episode, psychiatrist and sleep medicine specialist Alex Dimitriu, MD, talks about how light exposure shapes our physical and mental health, how to protect sleep when screens are […]

Screen Time Doesn’t Hurt Kids’ Social Skills, Study Finds

by George Citroner on May 1, 2020 “Excess screen time, especially in the evening hours, and even more so just before bed, is bad for everyone’s sleep,” said Dr. Alex Dimitriu, double board certified in psychiatry and sleep medicine, and founder of Menlo Park (California) Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine. “The blue light from the screen — yes, […]

7 Benefits of Weighted Blankets, Explained by Sleep Specialists

By Kara Cuzzone , | Apr. 29, 2020 In a 2015 study published in the Journal of Sleep Medicine and Disorders, participants with insomnia slept more calmly and spent less time awake in the middle of the night than when they used their regular bedding. They also subjectively believed that the blankets provided them with a better quality sleep. But it’s important […]

Can depression cause insomnia? Yes, the conditions are closely related

MK Manoylov, April 29, 2020 This article was medically reviewed by Alex Dimitriu, MD, psychiatrist and founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine.  Depression and insomnia often go hand-in-hand. That’s because depression can disrupt many aspects that help control our sleep-wake cycle.  This disruption can make it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, or both. Here’s what you […]

Are naps good for you? 20 to 30 minute naps are best

April 16, 2020 — Dr. Alex Dimitrui, Founder of the Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine clinic, was interviewed by Insider for the article, “Are naps good for you? 20 to 30 minute naps are best.”

COVID-19 Pandemic Fuels More Anxiety Dreams

Article by: Jennifer Nelson, Apr 13, 2020 “We know that people can problem solve in their dreams, and so, as the overall anxiety level has crept up, it is not uncommon that we may have more anxious dreams,” says Alex Dimitriu, MD, double board-certified in psychiatry and sleep medicine, and founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry […]

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