Entries by doctoralex

Finally, A Truly New Sleep Medication…

The FDA has recently approved a new sleep medication – Suvorexant – which works as a orexin receptor blocker. What is orexin? This is a key switch that keeps us awake, and is low in people with narcolepsy – so temporarily blocking it will put you to sleep. Because orexin is “the master switch” for […]

Trans-Cranial Direct Current Stimulation (Tdcs) – The Future Of Cognitive Enhancement?

tDCS – Transcranial direct current stimulation; involves the application of a very mild current for 20 minutes to the frontal lobes of the brain, through electrodes placed on the skin. Much to my surprise, this extremely simple and non-invasive technique is proving to have lasting effects on learning and cognition – in some instances, lasting as […]

Sleep Cleans Up The Brain

Jan 11, 2014 — Dr. Alex Dimitrui, Founder of the Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine clinic, was interviewed by the New York Times for the article, “Sleep Cleans Up The Brain.”

Exercise Improves Memory And Increases Levels Of Bdnf (Brain Growth Hormone)

A study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2011 showed that we can actively modify the gene for the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) with simple exercise. The investigators looked at 120 elderly nondemented individuals over a 1-year period who either stretched or did aerobics. They measured 3 variables: serum BDNF levels, memory […]

Weight Loss And Happiness – Serotonin And The Carbohydrate Connection

The bread rolls at restaurants may actually help you eat less… Serotonin is an essential neurotransmitter – and acted upon by many commonly known anti-depressants which boost its levels. It has a myriad of effects- ranging from creating a feeling of satiety, sleep, mood, anxiety,  pain, blood pressure, and sense of overall calm. The highest […]

A Concise Review Of Behavioral Approaches To Insomnia

From the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Below is the current recommendations for behavioral treatment of insomnia. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2576317/ Common Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies for Chronic Insomnia Stimulus control (Standard) is designed to extinguish the negative association between the bed and undesirable outcomes such as wakefulness, frustration, and worry. These negative states are frequently conditioned in response […]

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