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CONDITIONS TREATED: Anxiety, Depression, Attention Deficit Disorder, Insomnia, Bipolar Disorder, and Treatment Resistant Depression
REGIONS COVERED: We serve clients of the Bay Area, including the communities of Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Los Altos, Mountain View, Portola Valley, Atherton, Sunnyvale, and San Jose
Phone 650-326-5888
Email info@siliconpsych.com
Unique Brain Pattern May Predict Schizophrenia Conversion (Medscape)
George W. Citroner, November 15, 2018 A unique brain marker on fMRI may be associated with an increased likelihood of developing schizophrenia later in life. The findings may facilitate much earlier diagnosis of the disorder. The study of more than 200 participants in China showed a threefold psychosis conversion rate for those who were deemed […]
Psychedelics Have Returned to the Research Mainstream (Health News Digest)
(HealthNewsDigest.com) – Menlo Park, CA, November 8, 2018 – Most of us associate psychedelics with the 1960s, a time of great social and artistic change when hallucinogens like LSD, psilocybin, and others were promoted as a means of expanding consciousness. But before psychedelics were swept up by the counterculture, leading psychiatrists and researchers were studying – […]
What Does an ADHD Diagnosis Mean for Adults? (Third Age)
by Alex Dimitriu, MD, November 2018 Do you lose or quit jobs frequently because you just can’t focus or stay organized? Have relationship problems because you can’t complete tasks? Forget important things or easily become upset over minor things? It’s possible you have attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is surprisingly common in adults. Click HERE […]
What Does an ADHD Diagnosis Mean for Adults? (Health News Digest)
(HealthNewsDigest.com) – Menlo Park, CA, October 24, 2018 – Do you lose or quit jobs frequently because you just can’t focus or stay organized? Have relationship problems because you can’t complete tasks? Forget important things or easily become upset over minor things? It’s possible you have attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is surprisingly common in adults, […]
6 strangely effective sleep tips you haven’t tried before (New York Post)
By Lauren Steussy, October 22, 2018 Experts share quick tips to help set you up to catch some primo z’s. Chill out A cold room — between 60 and 67 degrees — is best for sleep, says Dr. Alex Dimitriu, a psychiatrist and sleep doctor based in California. When your body temperature drops, he says, […]
Prenatal Fluoride Exposure Linked to ADHD in Kids (Medscape)
George W. Citroner, October 18, 2018 Prenatal exposure to higher levels of fluoride not only impairs cognitive development but also significantly increases the incidence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, new research shows. Click HERE for the full article on Medscape.