In the News

Sleeping in on the Weekends Could Be Good for Your Life Expectancy (Brit + Co)

Natasha Lavender · Jun 23, 2018 If your weekday routine consists of dragging yourself out of bed after less than five hours of sleep, a recent study is giving you the go-ahead to turn off your alarm this weekend and sleep in. Conducted in Sweden with over 43,000 participants over 13 years, the study from […]

Why We Need to Stop Demonizing Antidepressants (Psychology Today)

Suicide is a leading cause of death in U.S. One risk factor is stigma. By Allison Abrams, LCSW-R , Jun 08, 2018 A  leading cause of death in the United States, suicide has become a significant public health issue both here and worldwide. Mental illness is one of many risk factors in cases of suicide, the most common being depression. Unfortunately, only […]

Better Sleep Can Prevent Cognitive Decline (Health News Digest)

By Staff Editor, Jun 8, 2018 Sleep is as important to our health as good nutrition and regular exercise. Not getting enough sleep is detrimental to daytime functioning – to our mood, energy, concentration and reaction time – and over the long term, it contributes to obesity and the risk of serious illness. But according to […]

Lack of Sleep Impairs Brain, Promotes Disease (Westchester Wellness Magazine)

Psychiatrist and Sleep Expert Dr. Alex Dimitriu Offers Tips for Healthier ZZZZ’s June 2018 “To sleep, perchance to dream, ay, there’s the rub.” Unfortunately, the lament of Shakespeare’s Hamlet remains all too true for as many as 70 million Americans who experience some type of sleeping disorder, says noted psychiatrist and sleep medicine specialist, Alex […]

Are there antidepressants that don’t cause weight gain? (Metro US)

By Meagan Morris, May 31, 2018 New study links antidepressants and weight gain. Antidepressants might work to help ease the symptoms of depression, but a new study published in The BMJ found that one not-so-wanted side effect of antidepressants is weight gain. “Patients who were normal weight were more likely to transition to overweight, and overweight patients […]

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