Sleep and Memory: How They Work Together (Health Digest News)
( – Menlo Park, CA, October 9, 2018 – “Sleep on it.”
We’ve long known that a good night’s sleep confers important benefits on mood, alertness, concentration, and judgment. Research over more than a century has also established that sleep plays an important role in memory retention. More recently, studies have begun to establish more precisely how the connection between sleep and memory works. “Sleep and memory are both mysterious,” says psychiatrist and sleep specialist Dr. Alex Dimitriu. “Exciting research is being done to unearth the secrets of the connection between them. We’ve known that the quantity and quality of sleep affect our ability to learn and remember in two ways. First, adequate sleep enables us to concentrate so we can learn efficiently. Then, sleep itself is needed to consolidate memories of what has been learned. Now neuroscientists are learning how different facets of memory and different stages of sleep work together.”
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