Depression Symptoms May be Treatable Using Psilocybin from Magic Mushrooms

By Nancy Schimelpfening, May 3, 2024

Why psilocybin might be effective for depression? Alex Dimitriu, MD, who is double board-certified in Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine and founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine, explained that researchers are still learning why psilocybin might have an antidepressant effect. He said one possible mechanism “is increased neuroplasticity, allowing the brain to make new connections, known as synaptogenesis.” Dimitriu went on to explain that neuroplasticity might allow a patient to develop new ways of looking at old problems. It might also allow them to make connections to life events and behaviors that previously did not exist. “Put more briefly,” he said, “the effects are likely biological as well as psychological and rooted in improvement in the function of the serotonin system, as well as higher-level changes in thought patterns.”
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